Perpetual trophies
GSBYRA Service Award
The Service Award established by John Everitt in 2006 recognizes Great South Bay Yacht Racing Association volunteers for their long-time involvement and dedication to the organization. The President, 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents, and the two most recent Past Presidents select recipients when they deem to honor a long-time volunteer for steadfast support and guidance.
2022 Jean Clark 2020 Joe Mulle 2019 Thomas G. Conlin 2018 Doughlas Graham 2017 Melanie Oswalt 2016 Gerard Holwell 2015 Russell Pearson 2014 Alphonso Guardino 2013 MaryAnn Deering 2012 Phillip Burr Linker 2010 Michelle Pittman 2009 Dianne C. Schmidt 2008 Glenn Schmidt 2007 William B. Ludlum 2006 Elizabeth Atwood
George C. Furman Trophy
Awarded to the GSBYRA Full Member Club team with the highest place finish in the GSBYRA interclub match racing championship, the George C. Furman Trophy was donated by his family. GSBYRA has no age or gender restrictions. Each club may enter an unlimited number of teams in the GSBYRA championship. The helmsman must be a member of the GSBYRA Full Member club represented and must helm the boat at all times. Crew members may be male or female and must be members of a GSBYRA Full Member club. Additionally the defending team from the previous year may enter. GSBYRA sails the event at Sayville Yacht Club in borrowed J 24 class boats. To continue to the US Sailing Match Racing
Championship for the Prince of Wales Trophy, the helmsman must request an invitation to a qualifying event and the team must meet weight requirements for the boat being used.
2024 Not Awarded 2023 Not Awarded 2022 Brian Elliot; Tom Desmond, Matt Miranda Sayville Yacht Club 2021 Dan Cameron; Brendan & Bryan Cameron, Brian Elliot Sayville Yacht Club 2020 Not Held  2019 Brian Elliott; Bryan Cameron, Mark Hassett, Matt Miranda Sayville Yacht Club 2018 Dan Cameron; Bryan Cameron, Brian Elliot, Steve Thomas Sayville Yacht Club 2017 Brian Elliott; Bryan Cameron, Steve Kelley, Steve Thomas Sayville Yacht Club 2016 Ward Brooks; Chris Fisher, Christine O'Conner, Glenn Reed, Joe VanDenburg Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2015 Ward Brooks; Chris Fisher, Christine O'Conner, Glenn Reed, Joe VanDenburg Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2014 Not Awarded  2013 Not Awarded  2012 Ward Brooks; Charles Flagg, Charles Huberman Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2011 Ward Brooks; Charles Flagg, Charles Huberman Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2010 Russell Pearson; Lenny Pearson, Dianne Schmidt Bay Shore Yacht Club 2009 Mark Stang; Lenny Pearson, Russell Pearson Bay Shore Yacht Club 2008 Mark Stang; Lenny Pearson, Russell Pearson Bay Shore Yacht Club 2007 Michael Collins; David Kennedy, Paul MacMenamin Sayville Yacht Club 2006 Ward Brooks; Tom Scherer Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2005 Peter Fraker; Sharon Boyle, Tom Baumfalk Sayville Yacht Club 2004 Ralph Coffill; Christine Coffill, John Zambriski Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2003 Ralph Coffill; Christine Coffill, John Zambriski Moriches Yacht Club 2002 Erich Hesse; Lee Montes, Brian Kennedy Wet Pants Sailing Association 2001 Erich Hesse; Lee Montes, Brian Kennedy Wet Pants Sailing Association 2000 Bob Hermus; Chris Hale, Christina Grahn Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1999 Edmund B. Laviano; Tony Dwyer, Jerry Bellport Bay Yacht Club 16 Buckman 1998 Dan Cameron; Andrew Cameron, John O'Donnell Sayville Yacht Club 1997 Andrew Kinsey; Luke Buxton, Sean Mulligan Wet Pants Sailing Association 1996 Jim Ryan; Greg Berger, Dave Becker Bay Shore Yacht Club 1995 Dianne Schmidt; Collen Miller, Gretchen Schmidt, Bay Shore Yacht Club  Lenny Pearson  1994 Kevin Morgan; Kevin Duschenchuck, Jeff Hambsh Wet Pants Sailing Association 1993 Paul-Jon Patin; Christine Accettella, Charles Larsen Sayville Yacht Club 1992 Joe McCann; Paul McCann, Greg Hayes Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1991 Peter Luke; Luke Marchetti, Ken Nevor Bayberry Yacht Club 1990 Not raced for  1989  Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1987  Bay Shore Yacht Club 1988  Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1986 Not raced for  1985  Sayville Yacht Club 1984  Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1983  Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1982  Bellport Bay Yacht Club
John J. Fauth 3rd Memorial Trophy
Awarded to the outstanding GSBYRA Full Member Club junior skipper under age 18 for the best performance at Junior* Race Week using the Cox-Sprague Scoring System to consider the number of boats in each class, the John J. Fauth Memorial Trophy was donated by the Fauth family to commemorate John’s service as a Past President of GSBYRA 1976-1977. * Deed of Gift amended in 2015.
2022 Costa ReverberiOptimist BlueBellport Bay Yacht Club 2021Joseph Beitch420Bay Shore Yacht Club 2020Not Held 2019Joseph BeitchSunfishWet Pants Sailing Association 2019Maeve SiskOptimist RedBellport Bay Yacht Club 2018Terrance ByrnesOptimist RedSayville Yacht Club 2017Terrance ByrnesOptimist RedSayville Yacht Club 2016Terrance ByrnesOptimist BlueSayville Yacht Club 2015Charlotte CallenderOptimist BlueBellport Bay Yacht Club 2014Ian HolzmacherJY 15Narrasketuck Yacht Club 2013Jillian LessingOptimistSayville Yacht Club 2012Kai RauchOptimist BlueBellport Bay Yacht Club 2011Sean LindenOptimist BlueBay Shore Yacht Club 2010J. C. HermusOptimist WhiteBellport Bay Yacht Club 2009Nick Valente420Wet Pants Sailing Association 2008Ali Blumenthal420Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2007Andy Monzón420Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2006Andrew BaranskyOptimistNarrasketuck Yacht Club 2005Devin Laviano420Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2004Jennifer SmithMercuryBellport Bay Yacht Club 2003Christian CremerOptimist BlueSayville Yacht Club 2002Tricia KutkiewiczSunfish YouthMoriches Yacht Club 2001David Hyer420Babylon Yacht Club 2000Todd KutkiewiczSunfish YouthMoriches Yacht Club 1999Zachery Motl;Laser RadialBellport Bay Yacht Club 1998Michael CollinsOptimistWet Pants Sailing Association 1997Jonathan WoodwardSunfish YouthMoriches Yacht Club 1996Ben SternbergMercurySaltaire Yacht Club 1995Matt JohnsonSunfish YouthSayville Yacht Club 1994Alex ConwaySunfish YouthBay Shore Yacht Club 1993Justin StangSunfish YouthBay Shore Yacht Club 1992Chris McDermottSunfish YouthBabylon Yacht Club 1991Christine DiRestaSunfish YouthMoriches Yacht Club 1990Kevin DavidSunfish YouthWet Pants Sailing Association 1989Kevin DavidSunfish YouthWet Pants Sailing Association 1988Brian CampbellLaserWet Pants Sailing Association 1987Sacha BacroSunfish YouthSaltaire Yacht Club
Paul W. Connelly 3rd Memorial Trophy
Awarded annually through a Narrasketuck class vote to the Narrasketuck class member, who exemplifies sportsmanlike behavior, a most determined attitude, and persevering qualities for victory, the Paul W. Connelly 3rd Memorial Trophy was donated in his honor by his sailing friends. * Awarded posthumously.
2022 Ed Smith Narrasketuck Yacht Club 2021 Not Raced For 2020Todd BriceUnqua Corinthian Yacht Club 2019Todd BriceUnqua Corinthian Yacht Club 2018Mark StangBay Shore Yacht Club 2017Ed SmithNarrasketuck Yacht Club 2016Gus RappoldNarrasketuck Yacht Club 2015Jay Graham *Narrasketuck Yacht Club 2014Mark StangBay Shore Yacht Club 2013Ed SmithNarrasketuck Yacht Club 2012Jeff Brous *Narrasketuck Yacht Club 2011Jeff BrousNarrasketuck Yacht Club 2010Jeff BrousNarrasketuck Yacht Club 2009Rudy SittlerNarrasketuck Yacht Club 2008Jeff BrousNarrasketuck Yacht Club Mark StangBay Shore Yacht Club 2007Jeff BrousNarrasketuck Yacht Club 2006Jeff BrousNarrasketuck Yacht Club 2005Dianne SchmidtBay Shore Yacht Club 2004Glenn SchmidtBay Shore Yacht Club 2003Don DiStefanoNarrasketuck Yacht Club 2002Joe TripodiNarrasketuck Yacht Club 2001Dan HesseWet Pants Sailing Association 2000Ed SmithNarrasketuck Yacht Club 1999Ward BrooksSouth Bay Cruising Club Don DiStefanoNarrasketuck Yacht Club 1998Don DiStefanoNarrasketuck Yacht Club 1997Mark StangBay Shore Yacht Club 1996Ted Everitt 3rdBay Shore Yacht Club Dick GuntherBay Shore Yacht Club Gretchen StangBay Shore Yacht Club 1995Glenn SchmidtBay Shore Yacht Club 1994Ward BrooksSouth Bay Cruising Club 1993Glenn SchmidtBay Shore Yacht Club Dave FaberBay Shore Yacht Club 1992Christina GrahnBay Shore Yacht Club 1991Dick GuntherBay Shore Yacht Club 1990Glenn SchmidtBay Shore Yacht Club 1989Dave JohnsonBabylon Yacht Club Don DiStefanoUnqua Corinthian Yacht Club 1988Tim ShieblerBabylon Yacht Club 1987Ted Everitt Jr.Babylon Yacht Club Robert GardnerPoint O' Woods Yacht Squadron 1986Doug CrockerBabylon Yacht Club Gorty Baldwin 3rdBabylon Yacht Club 1985Glenn SchmidtLong Island Yacht Club 1984Dianne SchmidtLong Island Yacht Club 1983Dave FaberBay Shore Yacht Club 1982Gretchen SchmidtLong Island Yacht Club 1981Jay GrahamBabylon Yacht Club
William H. Picken Trophy
Awarded to the Midget Championship team with the highest place finish, the William H. Picken Trophy was donated by his family to honor him as a Past GSBYRA President 1937-1941. Each club is allowed to enter an unlimited number of teams. Female or male competitors cannot have reached their 16th birthday during the calendar year, and all members
of the team must be from the same Full Member Club. GSBYRA sails the event in the Club 420 with spinnaker and trapeze. (Revised 3/2/17, 3/14/19) This event is a feeder to the Middle Atlantic Midget Championship for the Great South Bay Bowl, an event devised in 1955 and rotated among eight Regional Associations: Eastern Connecticut, Eastern Long Island, Great South Bay, Hudson River, Barnegat Bay, Chesapeake Bay, North Jersey, and South Jersey; and a feeder to the Midget Challenge.
2024 Daniel Muti; Mary O’Brien Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2023 Catherine Desmond; Kate Elliot Sayville Yacht Club 2022 Cameron Giordano; Lewis Gibbons Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2021 Cameron Giordano; Aaron Kiefer Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2020 Brendan Cameron; Kyle Malone Sayville Yacht Club 2019 Connor Cameron; Aidan Cameron Sayville Yacht Club 2018 Emma Strebel; Laurel Wilcenski Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2017 Emma Strebel; Jade Jackey Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2016 Henry Smyth; Jade Jackey Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2015 Maxwell Lawrence; Nicholas Patin Point O' Woods Yacht Squadron 2014 Brendan Keenan; Katie Byrnes Sayville Yacht Club 2013 Evie Cannell; Isabelle Chandler Point O' Woods Yacht Squadron 2012 Tim Jurgielewicz; Ava Dawydiak Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2011 Will Vakay, Wally Dawydiak Westhampton Yacht Squadron  * Hunter Hulse; Nicholas Garone South Bay Watersports Association 2010 * Hunter Hulse; Nicholas Garone Moriches Yacht Club 2009 * Austin Hulse; Hunter Hulse Moriches Yacht Club 2008 * Austin Hulse; Hunter Hulse Moriches Yacht Club 2007 Clarence J. O’Connor; Alexandra Thomas Bay Shore Yacht Club 2006 Mike Purpura; James Fink Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2005 Britton Rose; Michael Byrnes Sayville Yacht Club 2004 Britton Rose; Michael Byrnes, Sayville Yacht Club  Alyssa Kelley, Patrick Fischer  2003 Terrance Geoghan; Kylie Cremer, Sayville Yacht Club  Kyle Geoghan, Bobby Honce  2002 Thomas Bieslin; Eric Kjeldsen, Babylon Yacht Club  Chris Goodwin, Kevin Schroeder  2001 Daniel Hesse; Eileen Korinek, Wet Pants Sailing Association  Sarah Kennedy, Tim Gordon  2000 Eric Everitt; Rob Pearson, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  Miles Roe, Ashley Healy  1999 Dillon Cook; Eric Geib, Westhampton Yacht Squadron 4  Leah Frankman, Edith Lederman  1998 Brian Schroeder; Justin Grover Babylon Yacht Club  Patrick Sullivan, Barry Corbett  1997 * Paul Krause; Kevin Krause, Sayville Yacht Club  Daniel Thorvaldsen, Diana Flynn  1996 Paul Krause; Kevin Krause, Sayville Yacht Club  Daniel Thorvaldsen, Diana Flynn  1995 Cary Siegler; Jamie Hoyler, Babylon Yacht Club  Jared Racicot, PJ Regan  1994 Laura Kate Mina; Andrew Ryan, Bay Shore Yacht Club  Miles Wheeler, Colleen Finnerty  1993 Michael Geoghan; Tom Desmond, Sayville Yacht Club  Katie Larson, Rachel Meehan  1992 Gorty Baldwin Jr.; Kevin Rund, Babylon Yacht Club  Adam Szakmary, Jim Grover  1991 Andrew Larson; Kelly Miller, Sayville Yacht Club  Richard Murray, William Murray  1990 Ralph Coffill; Steven Sadoff, Westhampton Yacht Squadron  Lowell McLinskey, Ryan King  1989 Arthur Leiz; James Leiz, Narrasketuck Yacht Club  Brendon Connelly, James Curran  1988 Karen Meyhoefer; Andrea Lally, Narrasketuck Yacht Club  Emily Hoppe, Artie Leiz  1987 Max Haspel; Alex Alexander, Babylon Yacht Club  Kevin Regan, Chris Batty  1986 Christine Accettella; Max Haspel, Babylon Yacht Club  Chris Batty, Kevin Regan  1985 Andrew Cameron; Peter Thiel, Sayville Yacht Club  Michael Bennett, Chris Nicosia  1984 Scott Cullen; Matthew Antos, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  Christopher Cullen, Andrew Furman  1983 Mary Kispert; Bradley Horn, Moriches Yacht Club  Cris Runyan, Tom Tebbins, Billy Honan  1982 * Paul Meyhoefer; Sean Tortora, Narrasketuck Yacht Club  Lauren Paciullo, John Koller  1981 Danny Cameron; Michael Sheils, Sayville Yacht Club  Bryan Cameron, Paul-Jon Patin  1980 * Douglas Meyhoefer; Adam Koller, Narrasketuck Yacht Club  Paul Meyhoefer, Patrick Bain  1979 Richard Brouse; Douglas Meyhoefer, Narrasketuck Yacht Club  Beth Davidson, Paul Meyhoefer  1978 Paul Mulford; Nancy Lawlor, Babylon Yacht Club 5  Chris Heilpern, Jasen Burke  1977 Scott Apmann; Tracy Storer, Westhampton Yacht Squadron  Willy Ringhoff, Jane Brophy  1976 Ron Thompson; Paul McCann, Narrasketuck Yacht Club  Roger Piacentini, Greg Goodwin  1975 * David Price; Jim Davis, Moriches Yacht Club  Craig Privett, Daniel Strongin  1974 David Price; David Strongin, Moriches Yacht Club  Craig Privett, James Davis  1973 Wayne Hulse; David Strongin, David Price Moriches Yacht Club 1972 Chris McQuilkin; Peter Haines,   Missy Powell, Kathy Donoghue Wet Pants Sailing Association 1971 Howard Shiebler; Susan Everitt, Babylon Yacht Club  Tom O'Keefe, Barbara Van Bourgondien  1970 Christopher de Murias; Matthew Crowell, Babylon Yacht Club  Steve Baldwin, Peter Young  1969 John Swan; Hans Seidenberg, Babylon Yacht Club  Russell Eberle, David Gilmore  1968 Peter Young; Julian Davies, Babylon Yacht Club  Joe Hayden, Bob Eberle, Chris deMurias  1967 Tatsuo Shirane; Hunter Smith, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  Lee Christoffersen, Susan Hendrie  1966 John Altman; Helen Altman, Westhampton Yacht Squadron  Robin Storer, Beecher Halsey  1965 Peter Tarr; John Walbridge, Babylon Yacht Club  Henry Fass, Stephen Post  1964 David Van Nostrand; Glenn Robinson, Unqua Corinthian Yacht Club  Hobart Baker, Chris Matteson  1963 Douglas Simes; Wallace Matteson, Westhampton Yacht Squadron  Richard Clifton  1962 Bruce Kennedy; Jim Lowis, Narrasketuck Yacht Club  Richard Meyerrose  1961 * Steve Bedell; Nicholas Palevsky, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  John Coon  1960 * Stuart Brayshaw; John Boylan, Babylon Yacht Club  Bob Gilmore, Fred Becker  1959 Stuart Brayshaw; John Boylan, Babylon Yacht Club  Robert Gilmore, Happy Fauth  1958 Howard E. Cox, Jr.; Sair Betts, Quantuck Yacht Squadron  Martha Ryan, Charlie Donahue  6 1957 Bruce C. Driver; Howard Cox, Jr., Westhampton Yacht Squadron  Eddie Cox  1956 Peter S. Hewlett; Enos T. Throop, Cedarhurst Yacht Club  Denny Herknes  1955 William M. Parke ; Peter O'Hara, Point O' Woods Yacht Squadron  Carl Ferenbach, Deale Parke  1954 John Moore; Edwin Thorne, Bayberry Yacht Club  Gordon Thorne, Buddy Havemeyer  1953 Billy Deale; Nicky Orr, Babylon Yacht Club  Mickey McCauley, Pat Daily  1952 Pheobe Jones; Jean Braddon, Babylon Yacht Club  Sheila McCauley, Nicky Orr  1951 Brinkley Snowdon, Jr.; Lee Jane Simes, Westhampton Yacht Squadron  Nancy Simes, Pamela Fenne  1950 Anson Beard, Jr.; Frank Gulden 3rd, Bayberry Yacht Club  Alfred G. Lynn, Richard Perkins, Jr.  1949 Jack Barnes; Bobby Fajens, Narrasketuck Yacht Club  Tony Barton, Kurt Eisenhardt  1948 J. Cary Thomas; Alden Hatch, Cedarhurst Yacht Club  Eben Knowlton, Tom Williams  1947 Mary A. North; Lee Wardwell, Cedarhurst Yacht Club  Alice Ehrenclow  1946 Fred Mewhinney; Foster Reed Bay Shore Yacht Club 1945 - 1943 Not raced for  1942 John C. Snedeker; Duncan Galbreth, Babylon Yacht Club  William T. Healy  1941 Joseph Haggerty; John Lewis, Westhampton Yacht Squadron  Henry O'Brien, Carol Pounds  1940 Hugh H. Connett; Richmond Y. Holden, Shinnecock Yacht Club  George L. Degener, Edwin Shuttleworth 3rd  1939 Osborn Elliot; Bill King, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  Terrance McGuirk, Spencer Phillips  1938 Terrance McGuirk; Osborn Elliott, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  Doug Gordon, Nancy Underhill  1937 Arthur Pounds; Barney Edwards, Country Club of Westhampton Beach Yacht Squadron  H. R. Culver, Jr.  1936 Harold Connett, Jr.; George S. Brainard Shinnecock Yacht Club
Patin Challenge Plate
Awarded to the GSBYRA Full Member Club junior double-handed team with the highest place finish, the Patin Challenge Plate was donated by Paul and Pan Patin of Sayville Yacht Club. Each club may enter an unlimited number of teams in the GSBYRA Championship event. Female or male competitors must have reached their 13th but not their 19th birthday during the calendar year in which the event is held. GSBYRA sails the event in the Club 420 with a trapeze and spinnaker. (Revised 3/2/17) This event is a feeder to the Junior Challenge. The Bemis Trophy is awarded at the US Youth Championships which are now open in International 420 and 29er.
2024 2023 Spyirdon Meares; Bianca Pilcher Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2023 Spyirdon Meares; Bianca Pilcher Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2022 Cameron Giordano; Sal Nuzzo Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2021 Terrance Byrnes; Finn Capozzi Sayville Yacht Club 2020 Brigid Sisk; Laura Sloveny Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2019 Nicholas Patin; Thayer McClintock Point O' Woods Yacht Squadron 2018 Nicholas Patin; Holly Wemple Point O' Woods Yacht Squadron 2017 Maxwell Lawrence; Nicholas Patin Point O' Woods Yacht Squadron 2016 Hannah Pokorny; Isabella Holker Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2015 Hannah Pokorny; Isabella Holker Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2014 Walter Dawydiak, Ava Dawydiak Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2013 Liza O'Connor; Howie Meyers Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2012 Sarah Hermus; Megan Barden Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2011 Patrick Clark; Howie Meyers Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2010 Nick Valente; David Johnson Wet Pants Sailing Association 2009 Nick Valente; David Johnson Wet Pants Sailing Association 2008 Clarence J. O’Connor; Alexandra Thomas Bay Shore Yacht Club 2007 Devin Laviano; Arianna Baker Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2006 Devin Laviano; Paige Conlin Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2005 Duece Rose; Terrance Geoghan Sayville Yacht Club 2004 Thomas Conlin; Thomas Murray Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2003 David Hyer; Matthew Brink Babylon Yacht Club 2002 Eric J. Everitt; Thomas Murray Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2001 Eric J. Everitt; Zach Motl Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2000 David Hyer; Matthew Brink Babylon Yacht Club 1999 * John W. D. Everitt; Sean Penfold Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1998 Cary Siegler; Jamie Hoyler Magoun Landing Yacht Club 1997 Seth Siegler; Jimi Grover Babylon Yacht Club 1996 Seth Siegler; Jimi Grover Babylon Yacht Club 1995 John W. D. Everitt; Christopher Dwyer Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1994 Ralph Coffill; Raffi Baghosian Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1993 Ralph Coffill; Raffi Baghosian Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1992 Ralph Coffill; Raffi Baghosian Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1991 Brian McGinnis; Christopher Pfeifle Westhampton Yacht Squadron 12 1990 Brian Elliot; Kevin Regan, Sayville Yacht Club  alternate - Adam Goodman  1989 Karen Meyhoefer; Artie Leiz Narrasketuck Yacht Club  alternate - Todd Lowenthal
Westin Trophy
Awarded to the GSBYRA Full Member Club single-handed champion with the highest place finish, the Westin Trophy was donated by Douglas Westin, Past President of GSBYRA in 1954. Each club may have an unlimited number of female or male entrants in the GSBYRA Championship. Competitors must be members of the GSBYRA Full Member club they
represent and must be age 17 in the calendar year of the event. GSBYRA sails this event in the Laser. To continue to the US Sailing Singlehanded Championship for the O'Day Trophy the helmsman must submit a resume. (Revised 3/2/17)
Gsbyra.org/championships.htm has a complete list of winners.
2024 Not Held 2023 Not Held 2022 Not Held  2021 Not Held  2020 Not Held  2019 Ted Cremer Sayville Yacht Club 2018 Not awarded  2017 Not awarded  2016 Not awarded  2015 Frank Seckler Narrasketuck Yacht Club 2014 Frank Seckler Narrasketuck Yacht Club 2013 Not raced for  2012 Frank Seckler Narrasketuck Yacht Club 2011 Ward Brooks Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2010 Ted Cremer Sayville Yacht Club 2009 Spencer Olsson Sayville Yacht Club 2008 Brian McGinnis Wet Pants Sailing Association 2007 Paul-Jon Patin Sayville Yacht Club 2006 Paul-Jon Patin Sayville Yacht Club 2005 Eduardo Cordero Wet Pants Sailing Association 2004 Ken Mockridge Moriches Yacht Club 2003 Not raced for  2002 Peter Judge Bay Shore Yacht Club 2001 Peter Judge Bay Shore Yacht Club 2000 Not raced for  1999 Brian Elliott Sayville Yacht Club 1998 Alex Conway Bay Shore Yacht Club 1997 Daniel Cameron Sayville Yacht Club 1996 Andrew Kinsey Wet Pants Sailing Association 1995 Brian Elliott Sayville Yacht Club 1994 Paul-Jon Patin Sayville Yacht Club 1993 Dave Dennison Sayville Yacht Club 1992 Dave Dennison Sayville Yacht Club 1991 Paul-Jon Patin Sayville Yacht Club 1990 Paul-Jon Patin Sayville Yacht Club 1989 Paul-Jon Patin Sayville Yacht Club 1988 Paul-Jon Patin Sayville Yacht Club 18 1987 Paul-Jon Patin Sayville Yacht Club 1986 Paul-Jon Patin Sayville Yacht Club 1985 Paul-Jon Patin Sayville Yacht Club 1984 Paul-Jon Patin Sayville Yacht Club 1983 Andrew Kinsey Wet Pants Sailing Association 1982 David MacDonell Wet Pants Sailing Association 1981 Chris DeMurias Babylon Yacht Club 1980 Ron Thompson Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1979 David MacDonell Wet Pants Sailing Association 1978 Joel M. Furman Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1977 Peter Young Babylon Yacht Club 1976 William Pagels Wet Pants Sailing Association 1975 Peter Young Babylon Yacht Club 1974 William Pagels Wet Pants Sailing Association 1973 William Pagels Wet Pants Sailing Association 1972 William Pagels Wet Pants Sailing Association 1971 Bryce Suydam Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1970 William Pagels Wet Pants Sailing Association 1969 William Pagels Wet Pants Sailing Association 1968 David Van Nostrand Unqua Corinthian Yacht Club 1967 David Van Nostrand Unqua Corinthian Yacht Club 1966 Douglas Westin Sayville Yacht Club 1965 Jack Danes Sayville Yacht Club 1964 Peter Fenner Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1963 Charles F. Hayward Babylon Yacht Club
Henry Morgan Bowl
Awarded to the GSBYRA Full Member Club women's championship team with the highest place finish, the current bowl donated in 1935 by Commodore Henry C. Morgan of Timber Point replaced the retired original bowl donated by him in
1933. Joan B. Earle of Bellport Bay Yacht Club won the first bowl three times to retire the bowl. Each club may enter an unlimited number of teams in the GSBYRA Adult event. The helmsman for each team shall be female and be a member of the GSBYRA Full Member club she represents. Crew shall all be female and must be members of a GSBYRA Full Member club. Everyone must have reached their 19th birthday in the calendar year to be eligible. Additionally the
defending team from the previous year may enter the event. GSBYRA sailed this event in Association owned Mobjacks from 1964-2006, and now sails the Flying Scot. From 1932-2012 this had been a ladder event for the US Sailing Mrs. Charles Francis Adams Trophy. To continue to the US Sailing Adult Championship for the Mallory Cup the helmsman must submit a resume, and may be eligible for financial aid from GSBYRA.
2024 Suzanne Hulme; Julie Pomroy, Anna Morchel Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2023 Regina Soto; Christine Cofill, Suzanne McConnel Moriches Yacht Club 2022 Jennifer Truscott; Sue Jenkins, Kristin Naase Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2021 Jennifer Truscott; Sue Jenkins, Kristin Naase Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2020 Not Held  2019 Jennifer Truscott; Susie Jenkins, Kristin Naase Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2018 Julia Jurgielewicz, Janet Jurgielewicz, Jessie Stoller Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2017 Not awarded  2016 Not awarded  2015 Not awarded  2014 Not awarded  2013 Not awarded  2012 Not awarded  2011 Paige Conlin; Rachel Pokorny, Emily Qualtrale Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2010 Not raced for  2009 Gretchen Stang: Lenny Pearson, Justine Russo Bay Shore Yacht Club 2008 Keisha Pearson; Ali Blumenthal, Kari Rabatin Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2007 Tracy Cast; Susan Jenkins, Sandy Schermeyer Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2006 Not raced for  2005 Sharon Boyle; Karla Schnasse, Kathy Collins Sayville Yacht Club 2004 Kathy Remmer; Sharon Boyle, Erin Collins Sayville Yacht Club 2003 Christine Coffill; Regina Coffill, Linda Mockridge Moriches Yacht Club 2002 Gina Lindahl; Christine Coffill, Patricia DiResta Moriches Yacht Club 2001 Kathy Remmer; Debbie Capozzi, Kristen Sayville Yacht Club Thorvaldsen 2000 Sharon Boyle; Suzy LaFemina, Roberta Flynn Sayville Yacht Club 1999 Marie Schairer; Lenny Pearson, alt. Kari Rabatin Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1998 Sharon Boyle; Roberta Flynn, Susan LaFemina Sayville Yacht Club 1997 Dianne Schmidt; Gretchen Stang, Mary Fraker Bay Shore Yacht Club 1996 Dianne Schmidt; Gretchen Stang, Kristina Everitt, Bay Shore Yacht Club  alternate - Mary Fraker  1995 Colleen Miller; Cheryl Iden, Carrie Linker Sayville Yacht Club 1994 Colleen Miller; Cheryl Iden, Carrie Linker Sayville Yacht Club  Kelly Miller  1993 Kathy Remmer; Christine Accettella, Cheryl Iden, Sayville Yacht Club  Felicity Ryan  1992 Kathy Remmer; Christine Accettella Sayville Yacht Club 1991 Dianne Schmidt; Melodie Linekin, Gretchen Schmidt Bay Shore Yacht Club 1990 Dianne Schmidt; Melodie Linekin, Edie Penny Bay Shore Yacht Club  Rebecca Russo, Gretchen Schmidt  1989 Mary Kispert; Linda Mockridge, Michelle Mesiano Moriches Yacht Club 1988 Mary Kispert; Marilyn Runyan, Mary Castellano Moriches Yacht Club 1987 Mary Kispert; Marilyn Runyan, Kristin Tramontano Moriches Yacht Club 1986 Not raced for  1985 Jeanne Hulse Quarltere; Laura Hulse, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  Lenny Baer Pearson  1984 Jeanne Hulse Quarltere; Laura Hulse, Kathy Cullen Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1983 Tracy Storer; Jane Brophy, Louisa Davis Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1982 Jeanne Hulse; Kathy Cullen, Sue Kane Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1981 Linda Mockridge; Andrea Ruffing, Mary Castellano Moriches Yacht Club 1980 Linda Mockridge; Andrea Ruffing, Mary Castellano Moriches Yacht Club 1979 Linda Mockridge; Andrea Ruffing, Mary Castellano Moriches Yacht Club 1978 Linda Mockridge; Andrea Ruffing, Mary Castellano Moriches Yacht Club 1977 Sis Rice; Louise Baker, Lee Cuthbert Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1976 Sis Rice; Louise Baker, Lee Cuthbert Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1975 Linda Mockridge; Tina Lane, Marilyn Runyan, Moriches Yacht Club  Aileen Eppig  1974 Linda Mockridge; Paula Schott, Marilyn Runyan Moriches Yacht Club 1973 Louise Rice Baker; Sis Rice, Lee Simes Apmann Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1972 Louise Rice Baker; Sis Rice, Denise Dalmasse Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1971 Louise Rice Baker; Sis Rice, Astrid Krevitz, Westhampton Yacht Squadron  Paula Schott  1970 Terry Burns; Mary Rita Zendt, Chris Costigan Bay Shore Yacht Club 1969 Terry Burns; Mary Rita Zendt, Chris Costigan Bay Shore Yacht Club  Margo Mattimore  1968 Sally Laviano; Sue Haxo, Liz Winsche, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  Joan del Castello  1967 Sis Rice; Louise Rice Baker, Cheryl Smith, Westhampton Yacht Squadron  Denise Dalmasse  1966 Joan St. John; Bonnie Shiebler, Nancy Davidson Babylon Yacht Club 1965 Grace Beinert; Paula Mann, Nonette Schafer, South Bay Cruising Club  Nancy Davison  1964 Sis Rice; Louise Baker, Kris Matteson, Westhampton Yacht Squadron  Helen Schiffer  1963 Sis Rice; Kit Cramp, Kris Matteson, Helen Schiffer Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1962 Pamela F. Kellet; Kris Matteson, Helen Schiffer Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1961 Sis Rice; Nancy Simes, Kris Matteson, Helen Schiffer Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1960 Sis Rice; Jean Andon, Dorothy Smith, Joyce Cuthbert Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1959 Joan St. John; Ann Gilmore, Barbara Sheppard, Babylon Yacht Club  Betty Anne Arink  1958 Joan St. John; Ann Gilmore, Barbara Sheppard, Babylon Yacht Club  Betty Anne Arink  1957 Joan St. John; Ann Gilmore, Barbara Sheppard, Babylon Yacht Club  Betty Anne Arink  1956 Sis Rice; Lee Simes, Pamela Fenner, Dorothy Smith Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1955 Louise Rice; Patricia Murray, Lee Simes, Westhampton Yacht Squadron  Dorothy Smith  1954 Sis Rice; Nancy Royce, Louise Rice Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1953 Adele H. Dalmasse; Margaret Snowden, Westhampton Yacht Squadron  Frances Rice, Patricia Murray  1952 Adele H. Dalmasse; Margaret Snowden, Westhampton Yacht Squadron  Frances Rice, Joan Buckner  1951 Joan Buckner; Elise Glynn, Connie Kyte Shinnecock Yacht Club 1950 Nancy U. Meade; Madge Greene, Joan Dowd Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1949 Nancy U. Meade; Jane Foote, Madge Greene, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  Patricia Foote  1948 Nancy Underhill; Jane Foote, Madge Greene Bellport Bay Yacht Club  Patricia Foote, Nancy Tibbs  1947 Nancy Underhill; Madge Greene, Patricia Foote, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  Pamela Anderson  1946 Nancy Underhill; Madge Greene, Joan Dowd, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  Nancy Tibbs  1945 - 1943 Not raced for  1942 Nancy Underhill; Emilie Underhill, Nancy Tibbs, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  Barbara Earle  1941 Nancy Underhill; Sheila Paige, Barbara Anderson, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  Jane Foote  1940 Adele Hansen; Marjorie P. Bauer, Patricia Hansen, Westhampton Yacht Squadron  Nancy Halsted  1939 Nancy Underhill; Emilie Underhill, Sheila Paige, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  Barbara Anderson  1938 Patricia Hansen; Marjorie Post Bauer, Country Club of Westhampton Beach Yacht Squadron  Nancy Halsted, Adele Hansen  1937 Elizabeth C. Guile; Susan Guile, Shinnecock Yacht Club  Annetta C. Schroeder, Annetta W. Schroeder  1936 Joan B. Earle; Evelyn Earle, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  Pamela Anderson, Norma Anderson  Previous Trophy:  1935 Joan B. Earle; Evelyn Earle, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  Pamela Anderson, Norma Anderson  1934 Joan B. Earle; Pamela Anderson, Shirley Foote, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  Betty Wellington  1933 Joan B. Earle; Pamela Anderson, Shirley Foote, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  Betty Wellington
Maria & David Balch Perpetual Trophy
Awarded for the best record compiled by a member of a GSBYRA Full Member Club in the Fourth of July and Labor Day Invitational Regattas, and if tied, the Queen of the Bay Race, the Maria and David Balch Perpetual Trophy, a glass topped, teak coffee table inlaid with an engraved brass plaque, was donated by Knute D. Lee originally for Raven class sloops. In 1989, in accordance with the deed of gift, GSBYRA redesignated it for PHRF Spinnaker yachts. The coffee table is not displayed at LIMM. The winner uses the coffee table during the year and delivers the table to the next winner for use.
2024 Not Raced for 2023 Not Raced For 2022 Not Raced for   2021 Not Raced for   2020 Not Raced for   2019 Not Raced for   2018 Not Raced for   2017 Peter Ljungqvist O’Day 272 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2016 Not raced for   2015 Peter Ljungqvist O’Day 272 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2014 Peter Ljungqvist O’Day 272 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2013 Aileen Eppig C & C 25 Babylon Yacht Club 2012 Peter Ljungqvist O’Day 272 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2011 Aileen Eppig C & C 25 Babylon Yacht Club & South Bay Cruising Club 2010 Peter Ljungqvist O’Day 272 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2009 Larry Becker Holder 20 Bay Shore Yacht Club 2008 Larry Becker Holder 20 Bay Shore Yacht Club 2007 Peter Ljungqvist O’Day 272 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2006 Peter Ljungqvist O’Day 272 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2005 Peter Ljungqvist O’Day 272 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2004 Peter Ljungqvist O’Day 272 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2003 Peter Ljungqvist O’Day 272 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2002 Peter Ljungqvist O’Day 272 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2001 Peter Ljungqvist O’Day 272 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2000 Not raced for   1999 Peter Ljungqvist O’Day 272 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1998 Jerry Buckman Cal-Buck 31 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1997 Alan James O'Day 322 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1996 Jim Ryan J 22 Bay Shore Yacht Club 1995 Edmund B. Laviano O'Day 322 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1994 Jim Ryan J 22 Bay Shore Yacht Club 1993 Alan James O'Day 322 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1992 Jim Ryan J 22 Bay Shore Yacht Club 1991 Alan James O'Day 322 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1990 Alan James O'Day 322 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1989 Alan James O'Day 322 Bellport Bay Yacht Club 6 1988 - 1987 Not raced for   1986 Steve Kelley & Dennis S. O'Malley Raven Sayville / Babylon Yacht Clubs 1985 Steve Kelley Raven Sayville Yacht Club 1984 Steve Kelley & Dennis S. O'Malley Raven Babylon Yacht Club 1983 Steve Kelley & Dennis S. O'Malley Raven Babylon Yacht Club 1982 Steve Kelley & Dennis S. O'Malley Raven Babylon Yacht Club 1981 Dennis S. O'Malley & Rob Panico Raven Babylon Yacht Club 1980 Dennis S. O'Malley Raven Babylon Yacht Club 1979 Bill Ludlum Raven Sayville Yacht Club 1978 Dennis S. O'Malley Raven Babylon Yacht Club 1977 Bill Ludlum Raven Sayville Yacht Club 1976 Bill Ludlum Raven Sayville Yacht Club 1975 Dennis S. O'Malley Raven Babylon Yacht Club 1974 Dennis S. O'Malley Raven Babylon Yacht Club 1973 Bill Ludlum Raven Sayville Yacht Club 1972 Dennis S. O'Malley Raven Babylon Yacht Club 1971 Dennis S. O'Malley Raven Babylon Yacht Club 1970 William R. Pagels Raven Wet Pants Sailing Association 1969 Dennis S. O'Malley Raven Babylon Yacht Club 1968 Bill Ludlum Raven Sayville Yacht Club 1967 Knute D. Lee Raven Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1966 Knute D. Lee Raven Bellport Bay Yacht Club
Diane C. Schmidt Sportsmanship Award
Awarded to the GSBYRA Full Member Club skipper or crew member who exhibits outstanding sportsmanship, cooperation, congeniality, and whose comportment best represents the ideals and spirit of Corinthian sailing during a GSBYRA Event, the Dianne C. Schmidt Sportsmanship Trophy was dedicated by GSBYRA to Dianne in appreciation of her many outstanding years of service as Championship Coordinator. The winner is determined by the
Championship Coordinator in consultation with event Race Committee Chairpersons.​
2024 Sam White; Hunter Margraf Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2023 Not Awarded 2022 Not Awarded  2021 Not Awarded  2020 Not Awarded  2019 Not Awarded  2018 Not Awarded  2017 Not Awarded  2016 Not Awarded  2015 Wally Dawydiak Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2014 Maxwell Lawrence Point O' Woods Yacht Squadron 2013 Hannah Pokorny Bellport Bay Yacht Cub 2012 J. C. Hermus Bellport Bay Yacht Cub 2011 Sean Linden Bay Shore Yacht Club 2010 Not awarded  2009 Lenny Baer Pearson Bay Shore Yacht Club 2008 Keisha Pearson Bellport Bay Yacht Cub 2007 Patrick Clark Moriches Yacht Club 2006 Doug Zangre Bay Shore Yacht Club 2005 Clarence O' Connor Bay Shore Yacht Club 2004 Kim Ferrara Unqua Corinthian Yacht Club 2003 David Eberhardt Narrasketuck Yacht Club 2002 Geoff Craz Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2001 Leigh Ann Ferrari Unqua Corinthian Yacht Club 2000 Eric Everitt Bellport Bay Yacht Cub 1999 Robbie Pearson Bay Shore & Bellport Bay Yacht Clubs 1998 Gavin Budde Unqua Corinthian Yacht Club 1997 Joseph McCann Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1996 Nicole Schultz Bay Shore Yacht Club 1995 Colleen Miller Sayville Yacht Club 1994 Zachery Motl Bellport Bay Yacht Club
Delafield Trophy
Awarded to the GSBYRA Full Member Club adult skipper for the most perfect performance at Race Week using the Cox-Sprague Scoring System to consider the number of boats in each class, the Lewis L. Delafield Memorial Trophy is dedicated in tribute and recognition of the many years Delafield spent as GSBYRA Chairman of Race Week. Delafield was a member of Cedarhurst Yacht Club.
2022 Race Week Not Held  2021 Race Week Not Held  2020 Race Week Not Held  2019 Race Week Not Held  2018 Race Week Not Held  2017 Race Week Not Held  2016 Kia OlssonJ 24Sayville Yacht Club 2015 Race Week Not Held  2014 Peter Christensen420Point O' Woods Yacht Squadron 2013 Mark StangNarrasketuckSouth Bay Cruising Club 2012 Lawrence DeeringMarshall 18 HandiBellport Bay Yacht Club 2011 Ward BrooksNarrasketuckBellport Bay Yacht Club 2010 Jim KoehlerSunfishSouth Bay Watersports Association 2009 Ward BrooksNarrasketuckBellport Bay Yacht Club 2008 Mark StangNarrasketuckBay Shore Yacht Club 2007 Ted CremerLaserSayville Yacht Club 2006 Andrew BaranskyOptimistNarrasketuck Yacht Club 2005 Devin Laviano420Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2004 Jenny SmithMercuryBellport Bay Yacht Club 2003 David Hyer420Babylon Yacht Club 2002 Tricia KutkiewiczSunfishMoriches Yacht Club 2001 Dave HyerJY 15Babylon Yacht Club 2000 Todd KutkiewiczSunfishMoriches Yacht Club 1999 Peter LjungqvistPHRF O' Day 272Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1998 Michael Collins Wet Pants Sailing Association 1997 Kevin Brink Babylon Yacht Club 1996 Seth Siegler Babylon Yacht Club 1995 James KoehlerSunfishNarrasketuck Yacht Club 1994 Alex Conway Bay Shore Yacht Club 1993 Dave Becker Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1992 Chris McDermott Babylon Yacht Club 1991 Dave & Bruce MacDonellNarrasketuckWet Pants Sailing Association 1990 Kevin David Wet Pants Sailing Association 1989 Matthew Boudreau Bay Shore Yacht Club 1988 Dave & Bruce MacDonellNarrasketuckWet Pants Sailing Association 1987Paul Zambriski Wet Pants Sailing Association 1986 Kirk RoeserTornadoBellport Bay Yacht Club 1985 Chris Hale Unqua Corinthian Yacht Club 1984 Larry Becker Hobie Fleet 124 1983 Larry Becker Hobie Fleet 124 1982 Patty Haugland Bay Shore Yacht Club 1981 Lawrence DeeringTornadoBellport Bay Yacht Club 1980 Kirk RoeserTornadoBellport Bay Yacht Club 1979 Kirk RoeserTornadoBellport Bay Yacht Club 1978 Joel M. FurmanSunfishBellport Bay Yacht Club 1977 Frank L. St. JohnNarrasketuckBabylon Yacht Club 1976 Richard Nutturno Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1975 Philip Saccio Babylon Yacht Club 1974 Doug Crocker Babylon Yacht Club 1973 Frank L. St. JohnNarrasketuckBabylon Yacht Club 1972 Richard Piacentini Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1971 Tim Mooney Bay Shore Yacht Club 1970 Bryce C. Suydam Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1969 Mark D. Powell Wet Pants Sailing Association 1968 Gregory R. Kasin Bayberry Yacht Club 1967 Randy Pfrunder Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1966 Henry A. V. Post Jr. Babylon Yacht Club 1965 Gregory R. Kasin Bayberry Yacht Club 1964 Gregory R. Kasin Bayberry Yacht Club 1963 Stephen W. Bedell Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1962 Stuart A. Brayshaw Babylon Yacht Club 1931 Stuart A. Brayshaw Babylon Yacht Club 1960 Stuart A. Brayshaw Babylon Yacht Club 1959 William M. Parke 3rd Point O' Woods YS
"Cappy" Arink Memorial Trophy
Awarded for the best over all performance in any class by a member of a Full Member Club at the Babylon Fourth of July Invitational Regatta, the “Cappy” Arink Trophy is dedicated to E. Carleton Arink, a Past President of GSBYRA from 1955-1956, a former Chairman of Race Week, Commodore of the Narrasketuck One Design Association 1946-47, and a life long bay sailor. Arink designed the Narrasketuck burgee and emblem. His crew, Bill Torrey and Ted Zimmerman, donated the trophy, the transom of a Narrasketuck, to GSBYRA. Two wood boards with engraved plates now hang below the transom.
2022 Greg Schneller; Dickie Burns, Dave Hyer Flying Scot Babylon Yacht Club 2021Joe Mullé; Carl GalianFlying ScotBabylon Yacht Club 2020Not Raced For 2019David Johnson; Maria Parascandola, Taryn BerkmireFlying ScotBabylon Yacht Club 2018Greg Schneller; Dickie Burns, Dave HyerFlying ScotBabylon Yacht Club 2017Todd Brice; Jim ReichelNarrasketuckUnqua Corinthian Yacht Club 2016Mark Stang; Atis StepeNarrasketuckBay Shore Yacht Club 2015Mark Stang; Atis StepeNarrasketuckSouth Bay Cruising Club 2014David M. Hyer; Brian & John SchroederFlying ScotBabylon Yacht Club 2013Aileen EppigPHRF SpinBabylon Yacht Club 2012David M. HyerFlying ScotBabylon Yacht Club 2011Ryan HennesseyOptimistMoriches Yacht Club 2010Jeff Brous; Ed SmithNarrasketuckNarrasketuck Yacht Club 2009John Schwarting; Sharon SchwartingFlying ScotWet Pants Sailing Association Doug Volle 2008Ward Brooks; Kirk HurmeNarrasketuckBellport Bay Yacht Club 2007David Hyer; Sarah MeaseJY 15Babylon Yacht Club 2006Max Soriano; Bianca Rom420Narrasketuck Yacht Club 2005Devin Laviano; Paige Conlin420Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2004Jimi Grover; Justin GroverJY 15Babylon Yacht Club 2003David Hyer; Matt Brink420Babylon Yacht Club 2002Jimi Grover; Justin GroverJY 15Babylon Yacht Club 2001Erich HesseJY 15Wet Pants Sailing Association 2000Ward BrooksNarrasketuckSouth Bay Cruising Club 1999Paul-Jon PatinJY 15Sayville Yacht Club 1998Andrew KinseyJY 15Sayville Yacht Club 1997Dave & Bruce MacDonellNarrasketuckWet Pants Sailing Association 1996William MurrayVanguard 15Saltaire Yacht Club 1995Bruce KennedySunfishUnqua Corinthian Yacht Club 1994Dan CameronLaserSayville Yacht Club 1993Paul-Jon PatinJY 15Sayville Yacht Club 1992George AtwoodNarrasketuckBayberry Yacht Club 1991Paul-Jon PatinLaserSayville Yacht Club 1990Tim RumphLightningSouthampton Yacht Club 1989Paul-Jon PatinLaserSayville Yacht Club 1988George AtwoodNarrasketuckBayberry Yacht Club 1987Doug Crocker / Gorty Baldwin 3rdNarrasketuckBabylon Yacht Club 1986Doug Crocker / Gorty Baldwin 3rdNarrasketuckBabylon Yacht Club 1985Chris HaleLaserUnqua Corinthian Yacht Club 1984Chris HaleLaserUnqua Corinthian Yacht Club 1983Russell PearsonThistleBay Shore Yacht Club 1982Patrick BainSunfish SecondaryNarrasketuck Yacht Club 1981Dave BeckerHobie 16Hobie Fleet 124 1980Doug MeyhoeferSunfishNarrasketuck Yacht Club 1979Kirk RoeserTornadoBellport Bay Yacht Club 1978Jim GroverNarrasketuckBabylon Yacht Club 1977Jim GroverNarrasketuckBabylon Yacht Club 1976Doug CrockerSunfishBabylon Yacht Club
Louis H. Orr, Jr. Trophy
Awarded to the GSBYRA Full Member Club Midget single-handed champion with the highest place finish, the Louis H. Orr, Jr. Trophy was donated by Glenn and Dianne Schmidt to commemorate Louis Orr, GSBYRA Past President 1970-1971 and GSBYRA Delegate to US Sailing 1984-1991. Each club is allowed unlimited entries. Female or male competitors
cannot have reached their 15th birthday during the calendar year. GSBYRA sails the single-handed event in the Optimist since 1997. (Revised 3/2/17) This event is a feeder to the Middle Atlantic Midget Championship for the William Merganthaler Trophy, an event rotated among eight Regional Associations: Eastern Connecticut, Eastern Long Island, Great South Bay, Hudson River, Barnegat Bay, Chesapeake Bay, North Jersey, and South Jersey. GSBYRA hosted the 2019
Midget Middle Atlantic. Additionally this event is a feeder to the Midget Challenge. Gsbyra.org/championships.htm has a
complete list of winners.
2024 Wylin Everitt Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2023 Costa Reverberi Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2022 Costa Reverberi Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2021 Ryan Cameron Sayville Yacht Club 2020 Not Held  2019 Brendan Cameron Sayville Yacht Club 2018 Terrance Byrnes Sayville Yacht Club 2017 Terrance Byrnes Sayville Yacht Club 2016 Terrance Byrnes Sayville Yacht Club 2015 Charlotte Callender Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2014 JC Hermus Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2013 Alex Ellis Unqua Corinthian Yacht Club 2012 * JC Hermus Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2011 * JC Hermus Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2010 * J C Hermus Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2009 JC Hermus Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2008 Tristan Sess Moriches Yacht Club 2007 David Johnson Wet Pants Sailing Association 2006 Lily Katz Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2005 Christian Cremer Sayville Yacht Club 2004 Devin Laviano Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2003 Christian Cremer Sayville Yacht Club 2002 Geoff Craz Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2001 Thomas Conlin Sayville Yacht Club 2000 Parker Dwyer Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1999 Parker Dwyer Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1998 David Hyer Babylon Yacht Club 1997 David Hyer Babylon Yacht Club 2 1996 Christopher Dwyer Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1995 Matthew Johnson Sayville Yacht Club 1994 Alex Conway Bay Shore Yacht Club 1993 Justin Stang Wet Pants Sailing Association 1992 Timothy Shaw Westhampton Yacht Squadron
Gulden Trophy
Awarded to the GSBYRA Full Member Club junior triple-handed championship team with the highest place finish, the Gulden Trophy was donated by Frank Gulden, Past Commodore of Bay Shore Yacht Club in 1931-34, and in 1939. Each club may enter an unlimited number of teams in the GSBYRA Championship. Female or male competitors must have reached their 13th but not their 19th birthday during the calendar year in which the event is held. GSBYRA sails this event in the Flying Scot. (Revised 3/2/17; 6/1/19) This event is a feeder to the Area B semifinal Championship to the Chubb US Sailing Junior Championship for the Sears Cup, and a feeder to the Junior Challenge.
2024 Not Held 2023 Keelyn Brink; Meghan McMackin, Wet Pants Sailing Association Brady Noon, Christopher Costa 2022 Connor Cameron; Aidan & Brendan Cameron Sayville Yacht Club 2021 Connor Cameron; Aidan & Brendan Cameron, Finn Capozzi Sayville Yacht Club 2020 Not Held  2019 Nicholas Patin; Dixon McClintock, Trevor Palmiotto Point O' Woods Yacht Squadron 2018 Henry Smyth; Daniel Hale, RJ Kern Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2017 Alex Wilcenski; Matt Linehan, Danny Strebel Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2016 Tim Jurgielewicz; Matt Linehan, Danny Strebel Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2015 Wally Dawydiak; Matthew Linehan, Danny Strebel Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2014 Brandon tenHoopen; Helena Schnorr, John Friend Bay Shore Yacht Club 2013 Macklin Fluehr; Tim Curry, Wally Dawydiak Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2012 Macklin Fluehr; Wyatt Foglia, Jessica Sivin Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2011 Austin Hulse; Hunter Hulse, Hunter Skorobohaty South Bay Watersports Association, Inc. 2010 Michael Purpura; James Fink, Luke Hickling Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2009 Brendan King; Joey Huberman, Conrad Volle Wet Pants Sailing Association 2008 Geoff Craz; Hansen Johnson, Oliver Evans Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2007 Chris Harris; Brendan King, Jessie Collins Wet Pants Sailing Association 2006 Doug Zangre; Jaclyn Zangre, Shawn Thomas Bay Shore Yacht Club 2005 Dan Hesse; Tim Gordon, Eileen Korinek Wet Pants Sailing Association 2004 Eric Everitt; Eric Kyle, Louie Stravinsky Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2003 Daniel Hesse; Tim Gordon, Eileen Korinek Wet Pants Sailing Association 2002 Daniel Hesse; Tim Gordon, Eileen Korinek Wet Pants Sailing Association 2001 Todd Kutkiewicz; Chris O'Brien, Dave Scott, Moriches Yacht Club  Kevin McKeon  2000 Giacomo Cassagro; Michael DiSario, Halsey Swann Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1999 Zachery Motl; Eric Everitt, Kari Rabatin Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1998 Matt Johnson; Grace LaFemina, Maggie Kaiser Sayville Yacht Club 1997 Michael Geoghan; Jayson Flynn, Brad Sayville Yacht Club 8 Geoghan,  Diana Flynn  1996 Christopher McDermott; Zan Metznick, Kevin Brink Magoun Landing Yacht Club 1995 John Hunt; Matthew Ruddick, Justin Stang, Wet Pants Sailing Association  alternate - Daniel Ruddick  1994 Kevin Morgan; Justin Stang, John Hunt, Wet Pants Sailing Association  Andrew Larson  1993 Artie Leiz; Jim Curran, James Leiz Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1992 Artie Leiz; Jim Curran, Emily Hoppe, Narrasketuck Yacht Club  alternate-James Leiz  1991 John Zambriski; Kevin Dushenchuck, Kevin Morgan Wet Pants Sailing Association 1990 Max Haspel; Christopher Batty, Luke Buxton Babylon Yacht Club 1989 Brian Elliot; Christine Accettella, Brian Cooper, Sayville Yacht Club  Kevin Regan  1988 Max Haspel; Christine Accettella, Kevin Regan Babylon Yacht Club 1987 Sean Hickey; Richard Genthner, David Padden Bay Shore Yacht Club 1986 Sean Tortora; Chris Majore, Scott Knight Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1985 Paul Meyhoefer; Jon Koller, Sean Tortora Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1984 Paul Meyhoefer; Jon Koller, Craig Rau Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1983 Danny Cameron; Bryon Cameron, Paul-Jon Patin Sayville Yacht Club 1982 Douglas Meyhoefer; Richard Brouse, Patrick Bain Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1981 Christopher Palmer; Paul Abel, Ron Homa Wet Pants Sailing Association 1980 Christopher Palmer; Paul Abel, Jack Geoghan Wet Pants Sailing Association 1979 Daniel Strongin; John Kispert, David Bieselin Moriches Yacht Club 1978 David Price; Daniel Strongin, John Kispert Moriches Yacht Club 1977 Ron Thompson; Helen Geraghty, Greg Goodwin Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1976 David Price; Daniel Strongin, Jim Davis Moriches Yacht Club 1975 David Price; Jim Davis, Craig Privett Moriches Yacht Club 1974 Chris McQuilkin; Tom Leber, Kathy Donoghue Wet Pants Sailing Association 1973 Steve Baldwin; Alan Scharfe, John Swan Babylon Yacht Club 1972 Steve Baldwin; Alan Scharfe, William Weinschenk Babylon Yacht Club 1971 Steve Baldwin; Gorton Baldwin 3rd, Chris de Murias Babylon Yacht Club 1970 Mark Powell; Skip Vokle, Luke Powell Wet Pants Sailing Association 1969 Stephan E. Scopinich; Lyle Baird, May Baird Shinnecock Yacht Club 1968 Steve Andon; Camille Baird, Stephan E. Scopinich, Westhampton Yacht Squadron 9  Thomas L. Lane  1967 William Pagels; Eric Horn, Bruce McDonald Wet Pants Sailing Association 1966 Chris Andon; Steve Andon, Denese Dalmasse Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1965 David Van Nostrand; William Martin, Unqua Corinthian Yacht Club  Glen Robinson  1964 Stephen W. Bedell; Bruce C. Suydam, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  Nicholas Palevsky, Robert B. Bedell  1963 Stuart Brayshaw; Robert Gilmore, Peter Pasch Babylon Yacht Club 1962 Happy Fauth; Stuart Brayshaw, Robert Gilmore Babylon Yacht Club 1961 Happy Fauth; Stuart Brayshaw, Robert de Young, Babylon Yacht Club  Frederic Becker  1960 Happy Fauth; Robert Abbot, Stuart Brayshaw, Babylon Yacht Club  Robert de Young  1959 William Park 3rd; Budge Upton, Joseph Upton Point O' Woods Yacht Squadron 1958 James Simes; Peter Godfrey, John Hejinian, Westhampton Yacht Squadron  Canute Dalmasse  1957 James Simes; Peter Godfrey, George Carmany, Westhampton Yacht Squadron  Robert Rice  1956 James Simes; Robert Rice, Pamela Fenner, Westhampton Yacht Squadron  George Carmany  1955 Samuel Beard; Edwin Thorne Jr., Janet Furguson Bayberry Yacht Club 1954 Robert O'Hara; William Parke, John Hotchkin, Point O' Woods Yacht Squadron  Skip McGuire  1953 Peter Fenner; Peter Seibert, Louise Rice, Westhampton Yacht Squadron  Lee Simes  1952 Peter Fenner; Peter Seibert, Bayard Fenner, Westhampton Yacht Squadron  Lee Simes, Louise Rice  1951 George Fenner; Peter Fenner, Louise Rice, Westhampton Yacht Squadron  Peter Seibert  1950 D. Klesick; R. Heckel, A. Bell, W. Jenkins Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1949 Charles Weilbacher; Robert Weeks, Jr., Babylon Yacht Club  William Braddon  1948 Kennedy W. Purdy, Jr.; John E. Springhorn, Sayville Yacht Club  Richard T. Van Wyen  1947 Fredric A. Alling, Jr.; Frank L. Driver, 3rd, Quantuck Yacht Club  James D. Dana  1946 J. C. Hermus; W. L. Hard, J. Parson, Bellport Bay Yacht Club  T. T. Everitt, Jr.  1945 - 1943 Not raced for  1942 William G. Nagle; Ward Doerchuck, Lewis Pounds Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1941 Arthur Pounds; William Nagle, Charles Clifton Westhampton Yacht Squadron 10 1940 Prall Culviner; James W. Sayre, Point O' Woods Yacht Squadron  William S. Shannon  1939 William H. Torrey; Vincent Ryan, Dan Whittlesey Babylon Yacht Club 1938 A. C. Nagle, Jr.; Barney Edwards, Arthur Pounds Country Club of Westhampton Beach Yacht Squadron 1937 A. C. Nagle, Jr.; Martin Fink, S. Edward Nash Country Club of Westhampton Beach Yacht Squadron 1936 Neil Froeb; Arma Andon, S. Edward Nash Country Club of Westhampton Beach Yacht Squadron 1935 Norman P. Findley; W. Ansell Tuthill, S. Edward Nash Country Club of Westhampton Beach Yacht Squadron 1934 Frederick F. Zimmerman; David Lawrence, Babylon Yacht Club  William T. Hayward  1933 Downer Buhrer; Edith Penelope Miller, Albert Rising Bay Shore Yacht Club
Shinnecock Bowl
Awarded to the GSBYRA Full Member Club junior single-handed champion with the highest place finish, the Shinnecock Bowl was donated by Shinnecock Yacht Club. Each club may have an unlimited number of entrants in the GSBYRA Championship. Female or male competitors must have reached their 13th but not their 19th birthday during the calendar year in which the event is held. (Revised 3/2/17) GSBYRA yearly alternates sailing this championship between
Sunfish and Laser Radial. This event is a feeder to the Junior Challenge. The Smythe Trophy is awarded at the US Youth Championships which are now open in ICLA6 and ICLA 7.
2024 Miles Diekmann Subfish Bay Shore Yacht Club 2023 Andre Patin Sunfish Sayville Yacht Club 2022 Keelyn Brink Sunfish Wet Pants Sailing Association 2021 Joseph Beitch Sunfish Bay Shore Yacht Club 2020 Not Held   2019 Nicholas Patin Sunfish Point O' Woods Yacht Squadron 2018 Griffin Sisk Sunfish Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2017 Kylie Castellano Laser Radial Moriches Yacht Club 2016 Kylie Castellano Sunfish Moriches Yacht Club 2015 Sean Caraher Laser Radial Wet Pants Sailing Association 2014 Sean Caraher Sunfish Wet Pants Sailing Association 2013 Nick Klingler Laser Radial Sayville Yacht Club 2012 Peter Christensen Sunfish Point O' Woods Yacht Squadron 2011** Nick Valente Laser Radial Wet Pants Sailing Association 2010 Nick Valente Sunfish Wet Pants Sailing Association 2009 Spencer Olsson Laser Radial Sayville Yacht Club 2008 Spencer Olsson Sunfish Sayville Yacht Club 2007 Spencer Olsson Laser Radial Sayville Yacht Club 2006 Christopher Hulse Sunfish Moriches Yacht Club 2005 Ian Davison Laser Radial Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2004 Dan Hesse Sunfish Wet Pants Sailing Association 2003 Michael Collins  Sayville Yacht Club 2002 Zachary Motl  Bellport Bay Yacht Club 2001 Erich Hesse  Wet Pants Sailing Association 2000 Christopher H. Dwyer  Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1999 Christopher H. Dwyer  Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1998 Mike DiSario  Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1997 Ryan Thorvaldsen  Sayville Yacht Club 1996 Justin Stang  Bay Shore Yacht Club 14 1995 Andrew Larson  Sayville Yacht Club 1994 Christine DiResta  Moriches Yacht Club 1993 Andrew Larson  Sayville Yacht Club 1992 Brian Elliot  Sayville Yacht Club 1991 Brian Elliot  Sayville Yacht Club 1990 Brian Elliot  Sayville Yacht Club 1989 Brian Elliot  Sayville Yacht Club 1988 Kara Forman  Babylon Yacht Club 1987 Scott Cullen  Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1986 Paul Zambriski  Wet Pants Sailing Association 1985 Paul-Jon Patin  Sayville Yacht Club 1984 Paul Meyhoefer  Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1983 Paul Meyhoefer  Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1982 Paul-Jon Patin  Sayville Yacht Club 1981 Frank Castellano  Moriches Yacht Club 1980 Tim Sheehan  Sayville Yacht Club 1979 Andrew Kinsey  Wet Pants Sailing Association 1978 Ron Thompson  Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1977 Wesley Lyon  Babylon Yacht Club 1976 Bob Hines  Shinnecock Yacht Club 1975 Chris McQuilken  Wet Pants Sailing Association 1974 Wayne Hulse  Moriches Yacht Club 1973 Mike Price  Moriches Yacht Club 1972 Alan Scharfe  Babylon Yacht Club 1971 Peter Young  Babylon Yacht Club 1970 Peter Young  Babylon Yacht Club 1969 Lyle Baird  Shinnecock Yacht Club 1968 Lyle Baird  Shinnecock Yacht Club 1967 Steve Andon  Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1966 William Pagels  Wet Pants Sailing Association
Fenner Championship Bowl
Awarded to the GSBYRA Full Member Club men's championship team with the highest place finish, the Fenner Bowl was donated by John D. Fenner of Westhampton. Each club may enter an unlimited number of teams in the GSBYRA Adult
event. The helmsman for each team shall be male and be a member of the GSBYRA Full Member club he represents. Crew may be female or male and must be members of a GSBYRA Full Member club. Everyone must have reached their 19th birthday in the calendar year to be eligible. Additionally the defending team from the previous year may enter the event. GSBYRA sailed the event in Association owned Mob jacks from 1964-2006, and now sails the Flying Scot. To continue to the US Sailing Adult Championship for the Mallory Cup the helmsman must submit a resume, and may be eligible for financial support from GSBYRA. (Revised 3/15/16; 3/2/17; 6/1/18)
2024 Dave Kisla; Steve Pomroy, Rick Vella Westhampton Yacht Squadron  2023 Kendall Mockridge; Heather Mockridge Moriches Yacht Club 2022 Not awarded  2021 Mike Disario; Steve Keller, Matt Roden Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2020 Race Not Held  2019 Alex Wilcenski; Ava Dawydiak, Clare Guarascio Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2018 Macklin Fluehr; Cole Fluehr, Nicholas Fluehr Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2017 Not awarded  2016 Not awarded  2015 Not awarded  2014 Not awarded  2013 Andrew Hemingway; Hugh Larkin, Joe Mulle Babylon Yacht Club 2012 John Lubrano; Brian Riess, Conrad Volle Wet Pants Sailing Association 2011** David M. Hyer; David A. Hyer, Steven Heimlich Babylon Yacht Club  alternate: Greg Schneller  2010 David M. Hyer; David A. Hyer, Greg Schneller Babylon Yacht Club 2009 Norm Wentworth; Ed Surgan, Susan Jenkins Westhampton Yacht Squadron 2008 Joe Vandenburg; Paul MacMenamin; Paul Abel Sayville Yacht Club 2007 Michael Collins; David Kennedy, Paul MacMenamin Sayville Yacht Club 2006 Mark Stang; Peter Judge, Megan Mina Bay Shore Yacht Club 2005 Dan Cameron; Kevin Morgan, John O’Donnell Sayville Yacht Club 2004 Peter Fraker; Sharon Boyle, Tom Baumfalk Sayville Yacht Club 2003 Ralph Coffill; Christine Coffill, John Zambriski Moriches Yacht Club 2002 Ralph Coffill; Gina Lindahl, John Lindahl, Dan Neff Moriches Yacht Club 2001 Seth Siegler; Cary Siegler, Jim Grover Babylon Yacht Club 2000 Dan Cameron; Bryan Cameron, John O'Donnell Sayville Yacht Club 1999 Bob Hermus; Chris Hale, Christina Grahn Bellport Bay Yacht Club 20  Edmund B. Laviano, Charles Flagg  1998 Bill Fisher; Bill Flynn, Sharon Boyle Sayville Yacht Club 1997 Joseph McCann Jr.; Paul McCann, Jim Connelly Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1996 Andrew Kinsey; Luke Buxton, Sean Mulligan Wet Pants Sailing Association 1995 Paul-Jon Patin; Brian McGinnis, Christine DiResta, Sayville Yacht Club  alternate - Felicity Ryan  1994 Dan Cameron; John O'Donnel, Shea Thorvaldsen Sayville Yacht Club 1993 Paul-Jon Patin; Christine Accettella, Charles Larson Sayville Yacht Club 1992 Paul-Jon Patin; Charles Larson, Andrew Kinsey Sayville Yacht Club 1991 Paul-Jon Patin; Charles Larson, Cara Foreman Sayville Yacht Club 1990 Paul-Jon Patin; Charles Larson, Christopher Hale Sayville Yacht Club 1989 Paul-Jon Patin; Paul Zambriski, Dan Cameron Sayville Yacht Club 1988 Doug Meyhoefer; Paul Meyhoefer, Paul McCann Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1987 Doug Meyhoefer; Paul Meyhoefer, Paul McCann Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1986 Doug Meyhoefer; Paul Meyhoefer, Paul McCann Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1985 Howard Shiebler; Stephen Baldwin, Philip Heilpern Babylon Yacht Club 1984 Douglas Meyhoefer; Philip Sweeney, Paul McCann Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1983 Vero Piacentini; Paul Sauberg, Chris Hale Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1982 Bruce Kennedy; Thomas Nehring, Brian McCurdy Unqua Corinthian Yacht Club 1981 Lawrence Deering; Hank Maust, Tom Binnington Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1980 Doug Crocker; Kathy Crocker, G. Gorton Baldwin 3rd Babylon Yacht Club 1979 Joel M. Furman; Peter Ljungqvist, Jeanne Hulse Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1978 Wayne Hulse Moriches Yacht Club 1977 Ronald L. Hulse Moriches Yacht Club 1976 William Pagels Wet Pants Sailing Association 1975 William Pagels Wet Pants Sailing Association 1974 William agels Wet Pants Sailing Association 1973 William Pagels Wet Pants Sailing Association 1972 William Pagels Wet Pants Sailing Association 1971 William Pagels Wet Pants Sailing Association 1970 William Pagels Wet Pants Sailing Association 21 1969 Chris Andon Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1968 Edmund G. Laviano Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1967 Bruce Kennedy Unqua Corinthian Yacht Club 1966 Charles F. Hayward Babylon Yacht Club 1965 Charles F. Hayward Babylon Yacht Club 1964 Skip Fenner Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1963 Robert T. David Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1962 Skip McGuire Point O' Woods Yacht Club 1961 Skip Shaw Long Island Yacht Club 1960 Peter D. Fenner Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1959 Peter D. Fenner Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1958 Douglas Westin Sayville Yacht Club 1957 Robert H. Smith Moriches Yacht Club 1956 Peter D. Fenner Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1955 Peter D. Fenner Westhampton Yacht Squadron 1954 Cappy Arink Babylon Yacht Club 1953 John C. Snedeker Bellport Bay Yacht Club 1952 Cappy Arink Babylon Yacht Club  Stanley Horan (Tie) Bellport Bay Yacht Club
Charles A. Axtmann Memorial Trophy
Awarded to a Narrasketuck class yacht for the best season score compiled at the East Cup and West Cup Regattas,determined annually by the class before the season begins*, and the Invitational Regattas, the Charles A. Axtmann Memorial Trophy honors the Bellport builder of numerous Narrasketucks during his lifetime. This sterling silver Tiffany trophy was purchased with money raised in small and large donations from children and his many adult sailing friends. Axtmann was known for building light weight boats (143, 152, 153, 160, 169, and 170). Eventually the Narrasketuck One Design Association developed a minimum weight rule of 800 pounds. (*Amended 2018)
2024 2023 Not Raced For 2022 Not Raced For  2021 Not Raced For  2020 Bruce Kennedy Unqua Corinthian Yacht Club 2019 Bruce Kennedy Unqua Corinthian Yacht Club 2018 Mark Stang Bay Shore Yacht Club 2017 Todd Brice Unqua Corinthian Yacht Club 2016 Mark Stang Bay Shore Yacht Club 2015 Mark Stang Bay Shore Yacht Club 2014 Mark Stang Bay Shore Yacht Club 2013 Rudy Sittler Narrasketuck Yacht Club 2012 Mark Stang Bay Shore Yacht Club 2011 Mark Stang Bay Shore Yacht Club 2010 Mark Stang Bay Shore Yacht Club 2009 Mark Stang Bay Shore Yacht Club 2008 Mark Stang Bay Shore Yacht Club 2007 Jeff Brous Narrasketuck Yacht Club 2006 Rudy Sittler Narrasketuck Yacht Club 2005 Glenn Schmidt Bay Shore Yacht Club 2004 Rudy Sittler Narrasketuck Yacht Club 2003 Jeff Brous Narrasketuck Yacht Club 2002 Glenn Schmidt Bay Shore Yacht Club 2001 Ward Brooks South Bay Cruising Club 2000 Ward Brooks South Bay Cruising Club 1999 Ward Brooks South Bay Cruising Club 1998 Ward Brooks South Bay Cruising Club 1997 Mark Stang Bay Shore Yacht Club 1996 Dave Becker Bay Shore Yacht Club 1995 Dave Becker Bay Shore Yacht Club 1994 Gretchen Schmidt Bay Shore Yacht Club  Dick Gunther Bay Shore Yacht Club 1993 Dave Becker Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1992 Gretchen Schmidt Bay Shore Yacht Club 1991 Larry Shiebler Bay Shore & Babylon Yacht Clubs 1990 Kevin Donohue Bay Shore Yacht Club 1989 Kevin Donohue Bay Shore Yacht Club 1988 Kevin Donohue Bay Shore Yacht Club 1987 Doug Crocker / Gorty Baldwin 3rd Babylon Yacht Club 1986 Doug Crocker / Gorty Baldwin 3rd Babylon Yacht Club 1985 Dave MacDonell Wet Pants Sailing Association 1984 Doug Crocker / Gorty Baldwin 3rd Babylon Yacht Club 1983 Randy Pfrunder Narrasketuck Yacht Club 1982 Doug Crocker / Gorty Baldwin 3rd Babylon Yacht Club 1981 Doug Crocker / Gorty Baldwin 3rd Babylon Yacht Club 1980 James R. Grover Babylon Yacht Club 1979 Russ Wilson Narrasketuck & Unqua Corinthian Yacht Clubs 1978 Frank L. St. John Babylon Yacht Club 1977 Frank L. St. John Babylon Yacht Club 1976 James R. Grover Babylon Yacht Club 1975 James R. Grover Babylon Yacht Club 1974 James R. Grover Babylon Yacht Club 1973 Frank L. St. John Babylon Yacht Club 1972 James R. Grover Babylon Yacht Club